The Value Chain of Agricultural Commodities and Food in Austria


New WIFO Study by Franz Sinabell and Gerhard Streicher

A new WIFO study shows that an increase in demand for domestic food is accompanied by an increase in production in the agricultural sector and in the upstream and downstream sectors. This is associated with an increase in value added and employment in the economy as a whole.

The study, commissioned by the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture, sheds light on key figures of the value chain of agricultural goods and food in Austria. The results were presented on 16 September 2020, during a press conference with the President of the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture Josef Moosbrugger and WIFO economist Franz Sinabell.

In a first step, WIFO has surveyed the entire value chain of agricultural goods and food in Austria down to the district level. In 2018, more than 413,000 people were employed in the value chain and the gross value added amounted to 18 billion €. In relation to the national economy as a whole, the share of persons employed amounted to more than 9.2 percent (3 percentage points of which in agriculture) and the share of value added to 5.2 percent (0.9 percentage points of which in agriculture).

In a second step a model analysis was carried out. The study reduces the imports of agricultural goods and food by 1 percent and fills the resulting gap with domestic products. The consequences for agriculture, the upstream and downstream sectors and finally for the economy as a whole are calculated.

Due to the expansion of production in agriculture and the food industry, the value added in the upstream sectors grows by 141 million €, which means that more than 3,100 people are employed. Comparable effects can also be expected if export demand increases instead. If the demand for agricultural goods drops by 1 percent and imported goods are used or consumed instead, this has a negative effect on the national economy.

Further press information and graphics can be found here (in German).


Die Wertschöpfungskette von Agrargütern und Lebensmitteln in Österreich (The Value Chain of Agricultural Commodities and Food in Austria)
Studies, September 2020, 61 pages
Commissioned by: Austrian Chamber of Agriculture
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research
Online since: 16.09.2020 0:00
Während die Arbeitskräftezahl in der Landwirtschaft seit dem EU-Beitritt kontinuierlich abnahm, blieb sie in den vor- und nachgelagerten Branchen stabil oder nahm zu – vor allem im Handel. Wie im Rahmen einer Modellanalyse gezeigt wird, geht eine Ausweitung der Nachfrage nach inländischen Lebensmitteln mit einem Zuwachs der Produktion im Agrarsektor und in den nachgelagerten Verarbeitungssektoren einher. Damit ist in den vorgelagerten Branchen und der Volkswirtschaft insgesamt eine Steigerung der Wertschöpfung und Beschäftigung verbunden. In den einzelnen Bundesländern sind die Effekte aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Wirtschaftsstruktur nicht gleich stark ausgeprägt.
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Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Franz Sinabell

Research groups: Climate, Environmental and Resource Economics

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Gerhard Streicher

Research groups: Regional Economics and Spatial Analysis
WIFO economist Franz Sinabell and the President of the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture Josef Moosbrugger at the study presentation on 16 September 2020 – © LKÖ/Anna Schreiner
WIFO economist Franz Sinabell and the President of the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture Josef Moosbrugger at the study presentation on 16 September 2020 – © LKÖ/Anna Schreiner