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Verhaltenes Wirtschaftswachstum, hohe Arbeitslosigkeit und Budgetkonsolidierung prägen Wirtschaftsentwicklung. Mittelfristige Prognose der österreichischen Wirtschaft bis 2018 (Subdued Economic Growth, High Unemployment and Fiscal Consolidation are Characterising the Economic Outlook. Medium term Forecast for the Austrian Economy until 2018)
WIFO-Monatsberichte, 2014, 87(2), pp.117-131
Nach der Wachstumsdelle von Ende 2012 bis Mitte 2013 entwickelt sich die heimische Wirtschaft mittelfristig mäßig dynamisch (2014/2018 +1,8% p. a.). Insbesondere wächst der Konsum verhalten, da die Sparneigung der privaten Haushalte weiter zunimmt. Die leichte Expansion ermöglicht zwar eine Ausweitung der Beschäftigung (2014/2018 +0,8% p. a.), diese wird aber nicht ausreichen, um die Arbeitslosigkeit deutlich zu senken, da das in- und ausländische Arbeitskräfteangebot ähnlich stark zunimmt. Die Arbeitslosenquote dürfte nach einem Höchstwert von 7,9% (gemäß AMS-Definition) im Jahr 2015 bis zum Ende des Prognose¬horizonts nur leicht auf 7,7% zurückgehen. Der Inflationsdruck bleibt mittelfristig gering, die Inflationsrate wird durchschnittlich 1,9% betragen. Ein ausgeglichener Staatshaushalt (sowohl strukturell als auch nach Maastricht-Definition) wird durch das in der Prognose unterstellte strukturelle Konsolidierungsszenario (2 Mrd. € ab 2014, zusätzlich 1 Mrd. € ab 2015) nicht erreicht.
Keywords:Prognose, Öffentliche Haushalte, mittelfristig, Österreich
Research group:Macroeconomics and Public Finance

Subdued Economic Growth, High Unemployment and Fiscal Consolidation are Characterising the Economic Outlook. Medium term Forecast for the Austrian Economy until 2018
After the slump in economic growth between late 2012 and the middle of 2013, the Austrian economy is expected to follow a moderate upward trend, with GDP growth averaging 1.8 percent p.a. over the period 2014-2018. Private consumption in particular will remain subdued, as private households seem inclined to further increase their savings. While the gradual pace of expansion will lead to more jobs (2014-2018 +0.8 percent p.a.), unemployment is unlikely to decline significantly, given the parallel increase in both domestic and foreign labour supply. From a peak of 7.9 percent (as defined by the public employment service) in 2015, the unemployment rate is projected to decline only slightly to 7.7 percent by the forecast horizon. Inflationary pressure remains weak over the medium term, with headline inflation anticipated at an average 1.9 percent. A balanced general government budget (in structural terms as well as in accordance to the "Maastricht" definition) will not be achieved by the structural consolidation scenario underlying the forecast (€ 2 billion as from 2014 and a further € 1 billion from 2015 onwards).

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After the slump in economic growth between late 2012 and the middle of 2013, the Austrian economy is expected to follow a moderate upward trend, with GDP growth averaging 1.8 percent p.a. over the period 2014-2018. Private consumption in particular will remain subdued, as private households seem inclined to further increase their savings. While the gradual pace of expansion will lead to more jobs (2014-2018 +0.8 percent p.a.), unemployment is unlikely to decline significantly, given the parallel increase in both domestic and foreign labour supply. From a peak of 7.9 percent (as defined by the public employment service) in 2015, the unemployment rate is projected to decline only slightly to 7.7 percent by the forecast horizon. Inflationary pressure remains weak over the medium term, with headline inflation anticipated at an average 1.9 percent. A balanced general government budget (in structural terms as well as in accordance to the "Maastricht" definition) will not be achieved by the structural consolidation scenario underlying the forecast (€ 2 billion as from 2014 and a further € 1 billion from 2015 onwards).

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