
The WIFO-Konjunkturtest (business cycle survey) is a monthly survey of Austrian companies on their economic situation and its development in the coming months. The results of the WIFO-Konjunkturtest help to reliably assess the economic development in Austria at an early stage. The WIFO-Konjunkturtest has been conducted since 1954 and has been part of the "Joint Harmonised EU Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys" since 1996.

Further information on the WIFO-Konjunkturtest can be found here.

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Hohe Unsicherheit dämpft Konjunktur. Ergebnisse des WIFO-Konjunkturtests vom September 2022 (High Uncertainty Dampens Economy. Results of the WIFO-Konjunkturtest (Business Cycle Survey) of September 2022)
WIFO Business Cycle Survey, 2022, (9), 13 pages
Commissioned by: European Commission
Online since: 29.09.2022 14:00
Die Ergebnisse des WIFO-Konjunkturtests zeigen im September eine weitere Abschwächung der Konjunkturdynamik. Der WIFO-Konjunkturklimaindex notierte mit 5,1 Punkten (saisonbereinigt) 3,4 Punkte unter dem Wert des Vormonats (8,5 Punkte) aber nach wie vor im positiven Bereich. Die Lageindikatoren zeichnen trotz Rückgängen weiterhin ein günstiges Konjunkturumfeld. Allerdings ist die unternehmerische Unsicherheit infolge der weitgehenden Einstellung der russischen Gaslieferungen und der Energiepreisentwicklung auf neue Höchstwerte gestiegen. Infolgedessen haben sich die Konjunkturerwartungen weiter eingetrübt und signalisieren mittlerweile mehrheitlich skeptische Konjunkturausblicke.
Research group:Macroeconomics and Public Finance – Industrial, Innovation and International Economics – Regional Economics and Spatial Analysis

High Uncertainty Dampens Economy. Results of the WIFO-Konjunkturtest (Business Cycle Survey) of September 2022
The results of the WIFO-Konjunkturtest (business cycle survey) show a further weakening of economic dynamics in September. At 5.1 points (seasonally adjusted), the WIFO Business Climate Index was 3.4 points below the value of the previous month (8.5 points), but still in positive territory. Despite declines, the situation indicators continue to show a favourable economic environment. However, business uncertainty has risen to new peaks as a result of the almost complete cut-off of Russian gas supplies and the development of energy prices. As a result, economic expectations have deteriorated further and now signal a mostly sceptical economic outlook.