
Ausgewählte Ergebnisse einer erweiterten Wohlstandsmessung im Ländervergleich (A Cross-Country Comparison of Selected Results of an Extended Measurement of Prosperity)
WIFO-Monatsberichte, 2011, 84(11), pp.713-726
Unter dem Stichwort "Beyond GDP" beschäftigt sich die ökonomische Literatur in letzter Zeit zunehmend mit neuen oder längere Zeit wenig beachteten Ansätzen zur erweiterten Wohlstandsmessung. Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich mit zwei Aspekten aus diesem Spektrum: Zum einen werden weniger beachtete Standardkennzahlen der Volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnung vorgestellt, zum anderen Indikatoren der sozialen Kohärenz einer Gesellschaft.
Keywords:TP_Nachhaltigkeit_Nachhaltigkeit, TP_GrueneTransformation
Research group:Macroeconomics and Public Finance – Labour Economics, Income and Social Security – Climate, Environmental and Resource Economics

A Cross-Country Comparison of Selected Results of an Extended Measurement of Prosperity
"Beyond GDP" is a research agenda that has been evolving in recent years to overcome limitations of the concept of the gross domestic product. Some of the indicators covered by this theme have been neglected for some time and others have been recently developed. The overarching theme is the insight that social progress is measured well enough by the GDP. Additional indicators are necessary to show trade-offs between different objectives of economic development, and economic policy-making needs additional gauges for better decisions. The article focuses on two aspects: The first are standard indicators of the system of national accounts that are worthwhile being presented but are frequently neglected in the standard reporting procedures. The second set of indicators sheds light on the social cohesion of societies. Cross-country and time series data allow a deeper insight into the development of industrialised countries which goes beyond that gained by looking solely at GDP.