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Weitere Publikationen: Angela Köppl (42 Treffer)

This paper reviews the literature on (potential) green recovery measures in the context of the global financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on their macroeconomic effects. We find that spending for renewables and energy efficiency is particularly promising with regard to macroeconomic impacts. Moreover, the empirical evidence suggests that green recovery measures are associated with larger macroeconomic effects compared to conventional non-green recovery spending. We also derive lessons learned with regard to open questions and issues as well as accompanying framework conditions which could enhance a macroeconomically successful implementation of green recovery measures.
In view of the challenges posed by climate change and the increasingly ambitious climate targets around the world, the search for effective climate policy instruments is gaining momentum. Carbon pricing, for example, in the form of a carbon tax, and its effects are therefore attracting increasing attention in academic as well as policy discussions. We review the empirical effects of carbon taxes with regard to several impact dimensions commonly studied in the literature: environmental effectiveness, macroeconomic effects, impacts on competitiveness and innovation, distributional implications, and public acceptance. An increasing body of empirical studies shows that carbon taxes can effectively reduce carbon emissions or at least dampen their growth while not negatively affecting economic growth, employment, and competitiveness. The existing empirical evidence suggests that the distributional impact of carbon taxes depends on the type of energy use and the indicators to capture distributional effects, as well as on household characteristics. Lump-sum transfers are shown to be better suited to mitigate regressive effects for lower incomes, while higher incomes benefit more from a reduction of labour taxes. Public acceptance of carbon taxes can be increased by providing public information, avoiding negative distributional effects, and channelling part of the revenues into "environmental projects".
Daniela Kletzan-Slamanig, Angela Köppl, Franz Sinabell, Reinhard Schanda, Martino Heher, Alexander Rimböck, Stella Müller, Thomas Voit, Sabine Kirchmayr-Schliesselberger
in: Alberto Comelli, Janet E. Milne, Mikael Skou Anderson, Hope Ashiabor, Taxation and the Green Growth Challenge
Buchbeiträge, Edward Elgar Publishing, August 2023, S.99-112
Discussions about the reform of subsidies with negative climate impacts have been going on for decades in policy and research. Such subsidies counteract climate protection efforts, contradict the polluter-pays principle, and reinforce market distortions and the carbon lock-in. Based on a literature review, the paper summarises the results of a comprehensive bottom-up analysis of direct subsidies and fiscal measures (indirect subsidies) that are granted on the federal level in Austria. The analysis considers energy generation and use, transport, and agriculture and assesses the subsidies' legal foundations and original motivations, the subsidy volumes and identifies the beneficiary groups. The quantification of the subsidies results in a range of 4.1 to 5.7 billion € p.a. In addition, relevant regulatory provisions that have a subsidy character are examined. Considering the environmental effectiveness, economic criteria (like distributional impacts) and potential legal constraints reform suggestions are developed for the support measures.
in: Stefan E. Weishaar, Janet E. Milne, Mikael Skou Andersen, Hope Ashiabor, Green Deals in the Making. Perspectives from Across the Globe
Buchbeiträge, Edward Elgar Publishing, August 2022, S.127-140
Auftraggeber: Klima- und Energiefonds
Studie von: Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung – Internationales Institut für Angewandte Systemanalyse – Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
A comprehensive restructuring of economies and a massive increase of investments in climate-friendly technologies, infrastructures, and R&D is needed to reach the Paris targets. The EU has launched a process for greening the financial sector, emphasising the need for new instruments and financial market regulation for aligning investments to sustainability. This chapter summarises research on two topics: (1) what are the main political strategies, especially at EU level, to support green finance, and (2) which are the key supporting factors, barriers and actors for an upscaling of green investments? To assess the relevance of green finance in the financial market and climate policy (with a focus on Austria) an expert survey was conducted. It delivers insights on promising policies and strategies for fostering the growth of green finance. Conclusions can be drawn on instruments (like carbon pricing) that should be integrated in post-COVID stimulus packages to ensure a Paris-aligned recovery.
Mitte 2022 wird in Österreich im Rahmen der "ökosozialen Steuerreform" mit der Bepreisung von CO2 ein neues Werkzeug im Mix der klimapolitischen Instrumente verfügbar. Österreich folgt mit dieser Bepreisung von Treibhausgasen einer sowohl in Europa als auch global immer stärker werdenden Tendenz. Dieses Instrument soll Anreize für die Restrukturierung des Wirtschafts- und Lebensstils setzen, die nicht nur den Klimawandel eindämmen hilft, sondern auch Wohlstand, Resilienz und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit stärkt.
in: Irmi Seidl, Angelika Zahrnt, Post-Growth Work. Employment and Meaningful Activities within Planetary Boundaries
Buchbeiträge, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London, September 2021, S.160-175