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WIFO-Publikationen (7 Treffer)

Milena Kern, Jörg Pätzold, Hannes Winner (WIFO)
WIFO Working Papers, 2019, (584), 38 Seiten
Online seit: 30.07.2019 0:00
Trade in services is often hampered by domestic administrative barriers, even when countries are members of the same regional trade agreement. We exploit a large reform in the European Union (the EU Service Directive) aimed at reducing such administrative hurdles in cross-border service provision to estimate its effects on service trade. We employ a difference-in-difference strategy and a Pseudo Poisson Maximum Likelihood (PPML) panel approach to estimate gravity equations with multiple fixed effects. On average, the reform increased intra-EU trade in targeted services between a lower bound of 27 percent and an upper bound of 55 percent, translating into an overall welfare increase between 0.35 and 1.04 percent. This effect of the reform on service trade is corroborated by several robustness and placebo checks. Finally, a disaggregated analysis reveals significant differences between countries and service sectors.
WIFO Working Papers, 2016, (526), 32 Seiten
Online seit: 06.10.2016 0:00
This paper provides evidence of evasion in the context of a widely used commuter tax allowance, and explores evasion spillovers as a determinant of the individual compliance decision. For this purpose, we exploit discontinuities in the commuter allowance scheme and employ a research design resting on a large panel of individual tax returns. We find that around 30 percent of all allowance claims are overstated and, consistent with deliberate tax evasion, we observe sharp reactions of tax payers to thresholds where the allowance discretely jumps to a higher amount. Further, we use variation in job changes to uncover spillover effects from the work environment on the individual compliance decision. These effects appear to be asymmetric: job changers moving to companies with a higher fraction of cheaters increase their cheating. In contrast, movers to companies with a lower fraction of cheaters tend not to alter their reporting behaviour. We provide suggestive evidence that the spillover has more to do with an information environment, but can ultimately not reject other behavioural explanations such as asymmetric persistence of norms.
WIFO Working Papers, 2014, (487), 39 Seiten
Online seit: 09.12.2014 0:00
This paper presents a theoretical model and empirical evidence to explain the occurrence of tax amnesties. We treat amnesties as endogenous, resulting from a strategic game between many tax payers discounting future payments from punishment and a government that trades off costs and benefits of amnesty programmes. From the model we derive hypotheses about the factors that should influence the occurrence of tax amnesties. For our empirical test we rely on amnesty information from US states between 1981 and 2011. In line with the theoretical model, our empirical findings suggest that the likelihood of amnesties is mainly driven by a government's fiscal requirements and the taxpayers' expectations on future amnesties.
WIFO Working Papers, 2014, (462), 8 Seiten
Online seit: 18.02.2014 0:00
This note proposes the continuous treatment approach as a valuable alternative to propensity score matching for evaluating economic effects of mergers and acquisitions (M&As). This framework allows to consider the variation in treatment intensities explicitly, and it does not call for the definition of cut-off values in traded ownership shares in order to construct a binary treatment indicator. We demonstrate the usefulness of this approach using data from European M&As and by relying on the example of post-M&A employment effects.
WIFO Working Papers, 2012, (424), 32 Seiten
This paper analyses the relationship between corporate taxation, firm age and debt. We adapt a standard model of capital structure choice under corporate taxation, focusing on the financing and investment decisions a firm is typically faced with. Our model suggests that the debt ratio is positively associated with the corporate tax rate, and negatively with firm age. Further, we predict that the tax-induced advantage of debt is more important for older than for younger firms. To test these hypotheses empirically, we use a cross-section of 405,000 firms from 35 European countries and 126 NACE 3-digit industries. In line with previous research, we find that a firm's debt ratio increases with the corporate tax rate. Further, we observe that older firms exhibit smaller debt ratios than their younger counterparts. Finally, consistent with our theoretical model, we find a positive interaction between corporate taxation and firm age, indicating that the impact of corporate taxation on debt is increasing over a firm's life-time.
Matthias Stöckl, Hannes Winner (WIFO)
Körperschaftsbesteuerung und Unternehmensverschuldung. Evidenz aus einem europäischen Firmenpanel (Capital Structure and Corporate Taxation. Empirical Evidence from European Panel Data)
WIFO Working Papers, 2012, (422), 22 Seiten
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht anhand von europäischen Unternehmensdaten den Einfluss der Körperschaftsteuer auf die Unternehmensverschuldung. Der Datensatz enthält Bilanzinformationen von 110.620 Unternehmen aus 22 EU-Ländern im Zeitraum 1999/2007. Die ökonometrische Schätzung eines dynamischen Panels mit fixen Unternehmens- und Zeiteffekten erlaubt die Berücksichtigung einer möglichen Persistenz von Finanzierungsentscheidungen. Im Einklang mit den theoretischen Erwartungen zeigt sich ein signifikant positiver Zusammenhang zwischen der Höhe des Körperschaftsteuersatzes und der Fremdkapitalquote. Große Unternehmen reagieren stärker, Aktiengesellschaften hingegen schwächer auf Anreize der Unternehmensbesteuerung.
WIFO Working Papers, 2012, (416), 17 Seiten
We provide evidence on the impact of globalisation on labour market outcomes analysing pay differences between foreign-acquired and domestically-owned firms. For this purpose, we use firm level data from 16 European countries over the time period 1999 to 2006. Applying propensity score matching techniques we estimate positive wage premiums of cross-boarder merger and acquisitions, suggesting that foreign acquired firms exhibit higher short-run (post-acquisition) wages than their domestic counterparts. The observed wage disparities are most pronounced for low paying firms (with average wages below the median). Finally, we find systematic wage premiums in Western European countries, but not so in Eastern Europe.

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Tamara Fellinger

Tätigkeitsbereiche: Redaktion, Website, Publikationen, Abonnentenbetreuung

Tatjana Weber

Tätigkeitsbereiche: Redaktion, Website, Publikationen, Abonnentenbetreuung