WIFO-Monatsberichte (monthly reports)

The WIFO-Monatsberichte (monthly reports) contain research results and publications by WIFO staff on national and international economic developments based on sound economic analyses. Additionally, important key figures on the international and Austrian economic situation are published in the WIFO-Monatsberichte.

Editorial Board
Jesús Crespo Cuaresma (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Claudia Kemfert (German Institute for Economic Research)
Philipp Schmidt-Dengler (University of Vienna)
Jens Südekum (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf)
Andrea Weber (Central European University)

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Abschwung fällt in Österreich mild aus (Mild Downturn in Austria)
WIFO-Monatsberichte, 2020, 93(2), pp.79-86
Online since: 04.03.2020 0:00
Der Handelskonflikt zwischen China und den USA und die Krise der Autobranche belasten die Industriekonjunktur weltweit. Neue strenge Abgasvorschriften der EU sorgen auch künftig für ein schwieriges Umfeld. Der Dienstleistungsbereich erweist sich aber als starke Konjunkturstütze. In Österreich expandiert insbesondere der Tourismus ungebrochen.
JEL-Codes:E32, E66
Research group:Macroeconomics and Public Finance

Mild Downturn in Austria
The trade conflict between China and the USA and the crisis in the automotive industry are having a negative impact on industrial activity worldwide. New strict EU emission regulations will continue to create a difficult environment in the future. However, the service sector is proving to be a strong pillar of the economy. In Austria, tourism in particular continues to expand unabated.

Contact persons


apl. Prof. Dr. Hans Pitlik

Function: Senior Economist, Editor-in-chief WIFO-Monatsberichte and WIFO Reports on Austria

Tatjana Weber

Activities: Publications, website, subscriptions

Tamara Fellinger

Activities: Publications, website, subscriptions